![Wilford Woodruff sermon](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog169921/WaterLilysmall.png)
Friday Nov 23, 2012
Wilford Woodruff sermon
Friday Nov 23, 2012
Friday Nov 23, 2012
President, brethren and sisters: God bless you, (Amen), and may the
peace of God abide with you, and the Spirit of God within these walls,
and may it rest upon the Apostles, Elders and Saints while we assemble
together to worship God. I feel in my heart to praise the Lord for his mercies
and blessings over the Apostles and Elders and Saints and church and
kingdom of God to the present hour. I see before me here the symbols of
the history of this church and kingdom, and some of us have been preserved
by the hand of God to pass through its travels, its progress and its
history almost from the beginning until the present day; and while I listened
to the remarks of Brother Taylor, I reflected in my own mind upon the day
and age and time of our history. Fifty years have passed and gone, or
nearly so, since the organization of this church and kingdom on the earth.
Whatever the feelings of the world may be with regard to the Latter-day
Saints, with regard to their lives, their history, their organization, their persecutions,
and their drivings until the present day, whether they believe or
disbelieve, it matters not to the purposes of God, who stands at the head,
even our Heavenly Father. This is the church and kingdom of God; it is
the church of Christ; it is the organization of the kingdom of God, that has
been spoken of by all the prophets since the world began; it is the Zion of
God that Isaiah and Jeremiah and many of the other prophets saw by vision
and revelation in their day and generation. In my own mind I cannot conceive
of any fifty years since the creation of this world, in its history before the
heavens, before the Gods, before the angels, and before the world, of more
importance or consequence than the last fifty years through which we have
passed ; and if the vail could only be lifted from our eyes, so that we could see
and comprehend our destiny, our position, our responsibilities, and what is
required at our hands by the God of Israel, we should all of us feel the importance
of improving our time, magnifying our calling, striving to live by every
word that proceedeth forth from the mouth of God.
I hold in my hand our testament. The testator is dead, has been dead for
a great many years. He sealed his testimony with his blood. That testament
is in force, has been in force upon all the world from the day of his death ; and
not only from that day, but from the time these revelations were given to the
inhabitants of the earth. That testament contains a volume of the most important
revelations God ever gave to man. Fifty years ago, or nearly so, when
He gave some of these revelations, the Lord said to Joseph Smith, " If you
believe my words you will go and prune my vineyard while the day lasts; If
you believe these revelations I have given you, you will take hold and build up
this kingdom." When I reflect that it is fifty years since these revelations
were given, I ask myself the question—What condition are we in to-day as a
people, as Latter-day Saints? What is our condition, our position to-day
before the Lord? What is the condition of the world? What is the condition
of Great Babylon? What is the condition of the Saints, the Elders of Israel,
and the Lord's anointed, and the people whom he has chosen and called upon
and raised up to take hold and build up Zion, build up the kingdom, sanctify
themselves before God and prepare themselves for the coming of the Son of
man? I have sometimes feared in my own mind concerning ourselves, that we
are not living as near to the Lord as we ought to do ; we do not always comprehend
the responsibilities which we are under to God our Heavenly Father.
When I reflect, my brethren and sisters, that the Lord has ordained the establishment
of Zion, upon the responsibility that rests upon us in warning the generation
in which we live that they may be left without excuse in fulfilment of
the revelations contained in this volume (the Book of Mormon)—when I reflect
that we are called as the servants of the Lord to perform this work, I feel
within my own mind as the Lord has said now nearly fifty years ago, that if we
believe the words of the Lord we will labor while it is called to-day. The
Lord looks to nobody else, he expects nothing from anybody else, as far as the
fulfilling of the revelations in the Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants
are concerned ; he looks to no other nation, kindred, tongue, or people
henceforth to go and perform this work, but the Saints of the living God. If
the Lord has any friends on the earth they are the Saints of God, and if the
Saints of God have any friends anywhere, they consist of the God of Israel
and the heavenly hosts, and the spirits of just men made perfect.
In my view, we as Latter-day Saints are approaching a change. We are
approaching important events. It cannot be otherwise in the face of the revelations
of God, in the Bible, in the Testament, in the Doctrine and Covenants,
than that a change is about to take place in the world. The Lord has said that
he would make the work short in the latter days, that he would cut it short in
righteousness. Fifty years is a good while to pass away in the dispensation
and generation in which we live, and it has taken from the earth during this
time a great many, I will say all of the founders of this church and kingdom.
It has taken into the spirit world many of the Apostles, many of the Elders,
many thousands of the Latter-day Saints, and sometimes when I look around
and contemplate on the past, I at times feel lonesome. I look back to the
days of Joseph Smith, Hyrum Smith, and to the ' patriarchs, prophets and
apostles that lived in that day, and I find that a great share of them are in the
spirit world. There are but very few left now who were alive at the organization
of this church upon the earth. I believe that Brother Orson Pratt is the
only man who dwells in the flesh, who is in the church, who was organized in
the first Quorum of the Twelve. Brother Taylor and myself remain of those
who were organized in the second organization. But Brother Taylor and myself
and Brother Pratt and a good many others will not tarry a great while
here. We shall pass on to the other side of the vail, and join those who have
gone before, as will many who are in this congregation. This is not our home,
but we will dwell in the flesh until we pass through a change. We are apt
sometimes in our reflections to marvel and wonder why the Lord has taken
away so many men who have been called as Apostles and prophets and Elders
of the Zion of God into the spirit world. The Lord has had his motive in
these things. I see (pointing to the paintings on the ceiling) Joseph Smith
with Moroni, and here, with Peter, James and John, receiving the priesthood.
How long did he (Joseph) tarry here in the flesh? Only fourteen
years after he organized this church and kingdom, the church and kingdom
of God, the church of Jesus Christ. We felt as though we could not live,
could not exist, without Joseph. We felt a good deal as the Apostles did
when Jesus told his disciples that if he did not go away the Comforter would
not come. They did not comprehend him; they did not understand that
Jesus Christ was to be crucified, notwithstanding that he told them that if he
did not go away the Comforter would not come. Joseph Smith remained
with us longer than the Savior did. He remained only about three and a
half years after he was thirty years of age, an age which the Jewish law required
a man to attain before officiating in the priesthood. Joseph Smith
remained with us about fourteen years. He remained until he had received all
the keys of the kingdom of God which were necessary for the establishment
of this church and kingdom, and which were necessary for those men who followed
him to have those keys upon their shoulders, that they might continue to
build upon the foundation that had been laid; but as soon as. Joseph received
the keys of the Aaronic and Melchizedek priesthood, as soon as he received
the keys from Moses for the gathering together of the House of Israel in the
latter days, and from Elijah to seal the hearts of the fathers to the children and
children to the fathers—when Joseph received all these keys, and had power
to seal them upon the heads of other men, the Lord called him away. Why
did he call him into the spirit world? Because he held the keys of this dispensation,
not only before he came to this world and while he was in the flesh,
but he would hold them throughout the endless ages of eternity. He held the
keys of past generations—of the millions of people who dwelt on the earth in
the fifty generations that had passed and gone who had not the law of the gospel,
who never saw a prophet, never saw an Apostle, never heard the voice of
any man who was inspired of God and had power to teach them the gospel of
Christ, and to organize the church of Christ on earth. He went to unlock the
prison doors to these people, as far as they would receive his testimony, and
the Saints of God who dwell in the flesh will build temples unto the name of
the Lord, and enter these temples and perform certain ordinances for the
redemption of the dead. This was the work of Joseph the prophet in the
spirit world. Now, I believe in my own mind that every Elder of Israel who
has gone into the spirit world, who has been faithful in the flesh, has as much
to do on the other side of the vail as we have to do here, and if anything more
so. This is my view with regard to ttfe labors of the Elders of Israel. The
Lord hath need of some on the other side of the vail. He preserves some to
labor here, and he takes home whom he will according to the counsels of his
own will; this is his manner of dealing. Those of our brethren who have
passed away have got through the labors of the flesh ; we are left here to labor
a little while on the earth. Then I would like to ask my brethren and sisters
this morning in view of these things, if these things are true, if this is the
church of Christ, if this is the Zion of God—which the Lord Almighty foreordained
before the world was should be established in the latter days, and had
a class of men and women whom he had reserved in the spirit world, whose
lives were hid with Christ in God and knew it not, to come forth and stand in
the flesh and take hold of this kingdom and build it up, and war with the
world, the flesh and the devil—then, if this be true, what manner of men and
women ought we to be? I feel in my reflections, in my thoughts and in my
meditations, that we, as Elders of Israel, should have nothing else to do in
this world while we dwell in the flesh but to build up this kingdom, and when
we are building up this kingdom we are building up ourselves; when we are
faithful to God we are magnifying our calling.
The eyes of the heavenly hosts are over us; the eyes of God himself and
his Son Jesus Christ; the eyes of all the prophets and Apostles who have
dwelt in the flesh; they are watching our works. I have spent more time
lately with those who are in the spirit world, in my night seasons, than in all
the rest of my life together. On one occasion I thought in my dream that
Presidents Young, Kimball, George A. Smi-th, and many others, attended one
of our Conferences. When Brother Young was asked to preach he said: " No,
I have done my preaching, I have done my instructions in the flesh; I have
come to hear you talk, I have come to look at you, I have come to watch over
you, I wish to see what this people are doing." This has been the answer
and these are thoughts I believe in. I believe we are not shut out from God,
we are not shut out from our brethren, though the vail is between us. They
understand our works, our condition, our position, and I feel a desire myself,
what little time I have to spend in the flesh, to make my time useful. I wish
to do what I can for the building up of the kingdom of God. I wish to do
what I can to bring to pass righteousness, and I feel that we should all be in
this position; we should all labor to occupy our time, our talents, and our attention
as far as we possibly can to build up the kingdom of God.
I wish to say to the Latter-day Saints. Sometimes people apostatize; we
speak of people getting into the dark. It does not make any difference who
sells whiskey, nor who drinks it; it makes no difference who blasphemes the
name of God, or apostatizes from the church and kingdom of God, as far as
the establishment of the kingdom of God is concerned; the Lord has got valiant
men and women in his kingdom who will be true and faithful to the Lord
and his work. If half of this church were to fall away, it would not destroy
the purposes of the Lord. With regard to ourselves that is another thing.
Many men who have received the gospel, and have had the Holy Ghost conferred
upon them, have fallen away, but in doing so they condemn themselves,
they destroy themselves, they miss and lose all the hopes they ever had of
eternal life and the blessings of God in the celestial kingdom. Men may fall,
but the kingdom of God never, never. The Lord has a good many men and
women in this church and kingdom that cannot afford to surrender any principle
that the God of Israel has commanded us to obey, no principle that the
Lord has commanded us to receive, no principle that is embodied in the gospel
of Jesus Christ. Why? Because we know and understand very well that our
destiny, our position, and our.blessings are all in his hands. We also know
that the destinies of all the armies of the nations of the earth under the whole
heavens are in the hands of God. The Lord guides these things ; he will
guide them. We are approaching an important day and time. We are approaching
a period when there must be a change in Babylon, a change in our
nation, and a change in Zion. Judgments are going to begin at the house
of God. They will go forth, and will not be taken from the earth until all has
been fulfilled.
My brethren and sisters, I wished to say this much this morning. I
desired to exhort you, and I exhort myself. Let us watch and be sober. Let
us keep the commandments of God. Let us labor for the Holy Spirit, for
without this no man can serve God. What condition is the world in? To-day
the world is a great way from the Lord, and they are getting a great way further
off year by year, and just so far as they get from the Lord in this world,
just so far off will they be in the world to come. Bear this in mind.
I do think that as Elders in Israel we have no reason to be discouraged.
God is with us. God is with this people. He is watching over our interests.
He guides and directs our destiny, and you may look back and scan the history
of this church and kingdom from the days of its organization, and you will
find it has never gone backward, it has gone forward all the way through, year
by year, no matter the difficulties thrown in our way. We have had persecution
and oppression ; we were driven from one place to another for many years,
until we were driven into these Rocky Mountains, to the land given to Jacob
and his posterity, the land preserved for the gathering of the Saints in the latter
days. When I look at this assembly and contemplate the work of this
people in these valleys and in the surrounding Territories; when I perceive
how this desert is occupied, how the Latter-day Saints are progressing, how
they are cultivating the earth, building temples, halls, tabernacles, schoolhouses,
towns and villages, I marvel at the work of the Lord. This is the
work of the Almighty, and when our enemies look for the stoppage of this
work, for the stoppage of the progress of the Latter-day Saints, they will be
disappointed, because these things are in the hands of the Lord, and no power
can hinder their progress.
I rejoice in having the privilege of meeting with an assemblv of the Saints
of God in Salt Lake City, and especially in such a good building as this. It
is a credit to the Latter-day Saints. It is an ornament to this Temple Block,
and an honor to those who have helped lo build it. We must continue these
things. We must go forward, not backward. We have this fine temple
which we are building at the present time, and there are others being
erected in other parts of the Territory, that the Latter-day Saints may enter
these temples of our God and attend to the ordinances for the redemption
of the living and the dead. I bear testimony to you, my brethren and sisters,
the whole spirit world is watching your labor and your works, and as I
said in the beginning, if the vail was taken from off our eyes, we would see
the responsibility of our acts, and what would be the result of these things?
We would labor diligently and do all we could for the rearing of these temples
for the redemption of our dead ; we would sanctify ourselves and keep the
Word of Wisdom, and unite ourselves together according to the law of God.
There are many things we do as Latter-day Saints that we should abstain
from; we should see the importance of our laboring in the flesh to build up the
Zion of God.
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